Wetware Rudy V B Rucker 9780380701780 Books

Wetware Rudy V B Rucker 9780380701780 Books
A detective is hired to find a Girl, Della. She is a lab chemists's belowed one. The detective gets an ampule of drug called merge. A trip of a lifetime: the drug will temporarily melt a human body, or bodies if taken together, and bring person to meet his creator. The petaflop robot, Berenice, get into her hands the drug and realize Christmas being in her doorsteps. An embryo is grown in Della; an experiment to later seed as many woman as possible. The only problem is that the born he, the boy man, will age one year per day (after 7 days; 7 years old). Will the robots succeed to merge with humans this time?This is a sequel to Software, but it is not strictly necessary to know the back story; albeit it would help. The previous robot revolution failed to build super brains that would have melded human brain charts into ONE. This time robots want to become humans by tampering the genome by seeding and planting in babies in the Womb of as many women as possible. The 'wetware' explored consider the possibility of blending robot programming with the human brain, together with the entire nervous system. The book develops the idea of neurosurgery by planting small mouse into human brain to make then zombies. In neurophysiology sense Rucker plays with the mammalian brain system: touching the the voluntary and involuntary nervous system and the lateralization of the brain hemispheres. The sequels are Freeware (1997) and Realware (2000).
Three (3) stars. Written in 1988 the book won Philip K. Dick Award in the same year. The plot development and writing tone of the book has improved by a big leap since the prequel Software (1982; also the PKD winner). Fortunately this book has less messy drug humor than its predecessor. The surroundings are described in detail, the motivations behind the robots are made more tangible and overall improvements in quality of the prose can be observed. The weakest point is the dialogue between the characters who dawdle too much around without clear target. In the end one person, half of his brain sliced away, saves the world by spitting clumps around to spread organism called chipmold. If the reader can get past the slack characters, like a boy chasing girls and women and making them pregnant, following this cyberpunk robot evolution can be mildly amusing and entertaining.

Tags : Wetware [Rudy V. B. Rucker] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When bopper robots discover a way to infuse DNA wetware with their own software code, a new lifeform results,Rudy V. B. Rucker,Wetware,Avon Books,0380701782,Science Fiction - General,Science fiction.,FICTION Science Fiction General,Fantasy,Fiction,MASS MARKET,Science Fiction
Wetware Rudy V B Rucker 9780380701780 Books Reviews
If you get one, you have to get them all Software, Freeware, Realware. Rucker is terrific-get everything you can find. Masters of Space and Time is also a long time favorite.
it has a decent premise, but SO much is wrong!!! If Rucker is the choice of discriminating cyberpunks, then I want to turn in my membership. Other writers may throw in a different word of slang here and there.... but in the first 20 pages of this book, I read about 150+ of them that was dumped in! I was questioning just WHAT was going on!!! And why are they called "boppers"?! What does that name have to do with what they are? The names are unoriginal (Whitey Mydol? Take a guess where THAT came from); some of the stuff is total garbage (have you EVER met anyone so STONED that they wouldn't notice something wrong about a baby coming to term in 9 DAYS instead of 9 months, or that the kids grows up 1 year per day?!?!? I never have). The drug merge was also total garbage; nice plot device, but TOTALLY unrealistic! A drug that breaks you down into a puddle of ooze?!?!? Then let's you REFORM?!?!? Not bloody likely! A reader that's looking for something good should SERIOUSLY skip this book!
This is the second book in the Rucker's Ware Tetralogy.
What is wetware? I think I know, but I am not sure how to explain it. A biological computer perhaps?
In any case, in this book, the robots (boppers) make a sort of human-bopper hybrid. The humans, with a few exceptions, are not amused and take extreme action. This includes killing the hybrids and infecting the boppers with a mold.
This mold appears to shut down the boppers, but it also seems to work some kind of transformation on them as well. Where will this lead? Maybe the third book will tell us.
The second book brings back many characters that we met in the first book and tells about a very weird drug called merge. Merge makes people sort of melt.
I gave the book four and not five stars because it is kind of weird. But, it is entertaining and provides much food for thought. As to the latter, where is the line between life and machine? Not an easy question to answer as this book illustrates. But, then, maybe the questions is not as important as it seems at first. Yes, it is one of those kind of things. )
The book may also make readers wonder about life and death. As in, what is the meaning of each. It does provide an inkling of answers perhaps.
I look forward to reading book three - and then four.
See what you think.
Rucker will open up your mind with this book Wetware. The imagination Rucker has of the future is crazy yet believable enough to immerse yourself in him world. Wetware takes you to a world with self-sufficient robots living on the moon and people melting themselves for pleasure. The humans no longer control the robots; the robots are trying to control humans. If you are thinking this is just another book about robots, you are wrong. This book is not the norm in robot books. Rucker's robots come is huge variety of different shapes and sizes. They can even show their emotions though colors flashing across there bodies. Rucker gives a fresh view and some new concepts in his world of the future.
How far will AI go? How far could the human race take drugs to satisfy sexual of emotional needs? Could human actually live off earth? After you read this book, you might wonder about these same things. This book does jump around a little but is still easy to follow. Wetware has made me want to read the other books in this series, Software, Freeware and Realware. If you are a cyberpunk fan then it is well worth the read!
A detective is hired to find a Girl, Della. She is a lab chemists's belowed one. The detective gets an ampule of drug called merge. A trip of a lifetime the drug will temporarily melt a human body, or bodies if taken together, and bring person to meet his creator. The petaflop robot, Berenice, get into her hands the drug and realize Christmas being in her doorsteps. An embryo is grown in Della; an experiment to later seed as many woman as possible. The only problem is that the born he, the boy man, will age one year per day (after 7 days; 7 years old). Will the robots succeed to merge with humans this time?
This is a sequel to Software, but it is not strictly necessary to know the back story; albeit it would help. The previous robot revolution failed to build super brains that would have melded human brain charts into ONE. This time robots want to become humans by tampering the genome by seeding and planting in babies in the Womb of as many women as possible. The 'wetware' explored consider the possibility of blending robot programming with the human brain, together with the entire nervous system. The book develops the idea of neurosurgery by planting small mouse into human brain to make then zombies. In neurophysiology sense Rucker plays with the mammalian brain system touching the the voluntary and involuntary nervous system and the lateralization of the brain hemispheres. The sequels are Freeware (1997) and Realware (2000).
Three (3) stars. Written in 1988 the book won Philip K. Dick Award in the same year. The plot development and writing tone of the book has improved by a big leap since the prequel Software (1982; also the PKD winner). Fortunately this book has less messy drug humor than its predecessor. The surroundings are described in detail, the motivations behind the robots are made more tangible and overall improvements in quality of the prose can be observed. The weakest point is the dialogue between the characters who dawdle too much around without clear target. In the end one person, half of his brain sliced away, saves the world by spitting clumps around to spread organism called chipmold. If the reader can get past the slack characters, like a boy chasing girls and women and making them pregnant, following this cyberpunk robot evolution can be mildly amusing and entertaining.

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